Build Components and Pipelines

Building your own component and adding it to a pipeline

This page describes how to create a component for Kubeflow Pipelines and how to combine components into a pipeline. For an easier start, experiment with the Kubeflow Pipelines samples.

Overview of pipelines and components

A pipeline is a description of a machine learning (ML) workflow, including all of the components of the workflow and how they work together. The pipeline includes the definition of the inputs (parameters) required to run the pipeline and the inputs and outputs of each component.

A pipeline component is an implementation of a pipeline task. A component represents a step in the workflow. Each component takes one or more inputs and may produce one or more outputs. A component consists of an interface (inputs/outputs), the implementation (a Docker container image and command-line arguments) and metadata (name, description).

For more information, see the conceptual guides to pipelines and components.

Before you start

Set up your environment:

The examples on this page come from the XGBoost Spark pipeline sample in the Kubeflow Pipelines sample repository.

Create a container image for each component

This section assumes that you have already created a program to perform the task required in a particular step of your ML workflow. For example, if the task is to train an ML model, then you must have a program that does the training, such as the program that trains an XGBoost model.

Create a Docker container image that packages your program. See the Docker file for the example XGBoost model training program mentioned above. You can also examine the generic script in the Kubeflow Pipelines repository of reusable components.

Your component can create outputs that the downstream components can use as inputs. Each output must be a string and the container image must write each output to a separate local text file. For example, if a training component needs to output the path of the trained model, the component writes the path into a local file, such as /output.txt. In the Python class that defines your pipeline (see below) you can specify how to map the content of local files to component outputs.

Create a Python function to wrap your component

Define a Python function to describe the interactions with the Docker container image that contains your pipeline component. For example, the following Python function describes a component that trains an XGBoost model:

def dataproc_train_op(
    if is_classification:

    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        name='Dataproc - Train XGBoost model',
            '--project', project,
            '--region', region,
            '--cluster', cluster_name,
            '--train', train_data,
            '--eval', eval_data,
            '--analysis', analysis,
            '--target', target,
            '--package', 'gs://ml-pipeline-playground/xgboost4j-example-0.8-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar',
            '--workers', workers,
            '--rounds', rounds,
            '--conf', config,
            '--output', output,
            'output': '/output.txt',

The function must return a dsl.ContainerOp from the XGBoost Spark pipeline sample.


  • Each component must inherit from dsl.ContainerOp.

  • Values in the arguments list that’s used by the dsl.ContainerOp constructor above must be either Python scalar types (such as str and int) or dsl.PipelineParam types. Each dsl.PipelineParam represents a parameter whose value is usually only known at run time. The value is either provided by the user at pipeline run time or received as an output from an upstream component.

  • Although the value of each dsl.PipelineParam is only available at run time, you can still use the parameters inline in the arguments by using %s variable substitution. At run time the argument contains the value of the parameter.

  • file_outputs is a mapping between labels and local file paths. In the above example, the content of /output.txt contains the string output of the component. To reference the output in code:

    op = dataproc_train_op(...)

    If there is only one output then you can also use op.output.

Define your pipeline as a Python function

You must describe each pipeline as a Python function. For example:

  name='XGBoost Trainer',
  description='A trainer that does end-to-end distributed training for XGBoost models.'
def xgb_train_pipeline(


  • @dsl.pipeline is a required decoration including the name and description properties.
  • Input arguments show up as pipeline parameters on the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. As a Python rule, positional arguments appear first, followed by keyword arguments.
  • Each function argument is of type dsl.PipelineParam. The default values should all be of that type. The default values show up in the Kubeflow Pipelines UI but the user can override them.

See the full code in the XGBoost Spark pipeline sample.

Compile the pipeline

After defining the pipeline in Python as described above, you must compile the pipeline to an intermediate representation before you can submit it to the Kubeflow Pipelines service. The intermediate representation is a workflow specification in the form of a YAML file compressed into a .tar.gz file.

Use the dsl-compile command to compile your pipeline:

dsl-compile --py [path/to/python/file] --output [path/to/output/tar.gz]

Deploy the pipeline

Upload the generated .tar.gz file through the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. See the guide to getting started with the UI.

Next steps

Last modified March 10, 2020: content i18n for zh (6c961064)