Events related to Kubeflow
This is a nonexhaustive list of events (in reverse chronological order) with talks and workshops about Kubeflow. Please edit this page and send a pull request, or raise a GitHub issue, if something is missing or incorrect.
- Kubeflow Doc Sprint - Sunnyvale and online,
10-12 February 2020
- Monday 10 February: Welcome; docs/code development; learning sessions.
- Tuesday 11 February: Sprint updates; docs/code development; learning sessions.
- Wednesday 12 February: Docs/code development; sprint demos.
- Kubeflow Doc Sprint, 10-12 July 2019. See the results of the July 2019 doc sprint.
- Google Cloud Next, San Francisco, 9-11 April, 2019
- Undoing Human Bias at Scale With Kubeflow: John Bohannon, Michelle Casbon
- Kubeflow Contributor Summit 2019, Sunnyvale, CA, 12-13 March, 2019
- Kubeflow and the ML Landscape: Jeremy Lewi, Google
- Updates from the PM Working Group:
- PMs: David Aronchick, Josh Bottum, Carmine Rimi
- Slides
- Building Together: Community in Kubeflow: Thea Lamkin, Google
- Experiment Tracking with Kubeflow, Lukas Biewald, Weights & Biases
- Multi-User Environments, Kam Kasravi & Ebi Shahbazi, Intel
- On-Premise: Debo Dutta, Cisco
- MiniKF: Local Kubeflow: Vangelis Koukis, Arrikto
- TensorFlow 2.0 is coming!: Paige Bailey, Google
- Overview of Kubeflow Pipelines: Pavel Dournov, Google
- Feast: Feature Storage for Machine Learning: Tim Sell, Google
- Understanding the Earth: Machine Learning with Kubeflow Pipelines: Faustine Li, Descartes Labs
- Kubeflow Experiments at LinkedIn: Tengfei Mu & Abin Shahab, LinkedIn
- Ask the User: Data Science Panel, Moderator: Karthik Ramasamy, Google
- Panelists: Ting Chen, Emmanuel Ameisen, Scott Leishman, Caio Soares, June Andrews, Jun Wang
- Simple, GPU-Accelerated Kubeflow Pipeline: Ananth Sankarasubramanian, NVIDIA
- Fairing: Matt Rickard, Google
- ModelDB: Open-source model management: Manasi Vartak, Verta.ai
- Katib & Hyperparameter Tuning: Richard Liu, Google
- Kubeflow User Experience: Derek Ferguson, JP Morgan Chase
- Kubeflow & TFX: Kevin Haas, Google
- Kubeflow inference on Knative: Dan Sun, Bloomberg
- Arena: Yang Che, Alibaba
- Examples, Codelabs, & Demos: Michelle Casbon, Google
- Data Day Texas, Austin, 26 January, 2019
- Kubeflow: Portable Machine Learning on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- AI NEXTCon, Seattle, 23-26 January, 2019
- Build and Manage Machine Learning Pipelines: Amy Unruh
- KubeCon, Seattle, 11-13 December, 2018
- Deep Dive: Kubeflow BoF: Jeremy Lewi, David Aronchick
- Eco-Friendly ML: How the Kubeflow Ecosystem Bootstrapped Itself: Peter McKinnon
- Machine Learning as Code: Jay Smith
- Natural Language Code Search for GitHub Using Kubeflow: Jeremy Lewi, Hamel Husain
- Workshop: Kubeflow End-to-End: GitHub Issue Summarization: Amy Unruh, Michelle Casbon
- Women in ML & Data Science, Melbourne, 5 December, 2018
- Panel: Michelle Casbon
- YOW!, Melbourne, 4-7 December, 2018
- Kubeflow Explained: NLP Architectures on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- YOW!, Brisbane, 3-4 December, 2018
- Kubeflow Explained: NLP Architectures on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- YOW!, Sydney, 27-30 November, 2018
- Kubeflow Explained: NLP Architectures on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- Scale By the Bay, San Francisco, 15-17 November, 2018
- Data Engineering & AI Panel: Michelle Casbon
- KubeCon, Shanghai, 13-15 November, 2018
- A Tale of Using Kubeflow to Make the Electricity Smarter in China: Julia Han, Xin Zhang
- A Year of Democratizing ML With Kubernetes & Kubeflow: David Aronchick, Fei Xue
- Benchmarking Machine Learning Workloads on Kubeflow: Xinyuan Huang, Ce Gao
- CI/CD Pipelines & Machine Learning: Jeremy Lewi
- Kubeflow From the End User’s Perspective: Xin Zhang
- Kubernetes CI/CD Hacks with KicroK8s and Kubeflow: Land Lu, Zhang Lei Mao
- Machine Learning on Kubernetes BoF: David Aronchick
- Operating Deep Learning Pipelines Anywhere Using Kubeflow: Jörg Schad, Gilbert Song
- DevFest, Seattle, 3 November, 2018
- Kubeflow End to End: Amy Unruh
- Data@Scale, Boston, 25 October, 2018
- Women in Engineering Panel: Michelle Casbon
- Kubeflow: Portable Machine Learning on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- Kafka Summit, San Francisco, 16-17 October, 2018
- O’Reilly AI Conference, London, 08-11 October, 2018
- Machine Learning at Scale with Kubernetes: Chris Cho
- Cloud-Native, Docker, and Kubernetes Summit, Dallas, 12 September, 2018
- O’Reilly Strata Data, New York, 11-13 September, 2018
- From Training to Serving: Deploying TensorFlow Models with Kubernetes: Brian Foo, Holden Karau, Jay Smith
- Kubeflow Explained: Portable Machine Learning on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- O’Reilly AI Conference, San Francisco, 4-7 September, 2018
- TensorFlow Days: Kubeflow: Portable Machine Learning on Kubernetes: Michelle Casbon
- Open Source Summit, Vancouver, 29-31 August, 2018
- Elastic AI Pipeline with Kubeflow for Intelligent SKU Management in a Large Chinese Retailer: Xin Zhang
- Introducing Kubeflow: A System for Deploying ML/AI on Kubernetes: Trevor Grant, Holden Karau
- JupyterCon, New York, 21-25 August, 2018
- Machine Learning at Scale with Kubernetes: Chris Cho
- Google Next, San Francisco, 24-26 July, 2018
- AI Platform Showcase demo: Dan Sanche
- Machine Learning Made Easy: How to Build Flexible, Portable ML Stacks with Kubeflow and Elastifile: David Aronchick, Allon Cohen
- Spotlight Lab: Introduction to Kubeflow on Google Kubernetes Engine: Michelle Casbon
- Spotlight Lab: Kubeflow End-to-End: GitHub Issue Summarization: Michelle Casbon
- O’Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, 16-19 July, 2018
- TensorFlow Day: Hassle-free, scalable machine learning with Kubeflow: Barbara Fusinska
- SciPy, Austin, 09-15 July, 2018
- Kubeflow: Pythonic Machine Learning at Scale on Kubernetes: David Aronchick, Paige Bailey
- Container Day, Paris, 26 June, 2018
- Keynote: Cloud Native ML with Kubeflow: David Aronchick, Chris Cho
- Dockercon, San Francisco, 12 - 15 June, 2018
- Keynote: Moby’s Cool Hacks: David Aronchick, Michelle Casbon
- QCon, São Paulo, 9-11 May, 2018
- Architecture of an NLP Deployment: Michelle Casbon
- KubeCon, Copenhagen, 2-4 May, 2018
- Interview: Building applications on Kubeflow: Jeremy Lewi
- Keynote: Cloud Native ML on Kubernetes: David Aronchick, Vishnu Kannan
- Kubeflow Deep Dive: David Aronchick, Jeremy Lewi
- Kubeflow Intro: Michał Jastrzębski, Ala Raddaoui
- Serving ML Models at Scale with Seldon & Kubeflow: Clive Cox
- Conquering a Kubeflow Kubernetes Cluster with ksonnet, Ark, & Sonobuoy: David Aronchick, Kris Nova
- Building ML Products with Kubeflow: Jeremy Lewi, Stephan Fabel
- Compliant Data Management & Machine Learning on Kubernetes: Daniel Whitenack
- Bringing Your Data Pipeline into the Machine Learning Era: Chris Gaun, Jörg Schad
- KubeCon, Austin, 6-8 December, 2017
- “Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog” at Scale - Kubernetes & Machine Learning: David Aronchick, Vishnu Kannan
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